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Vegan Words

Some young people might understand what vegan means, while to the others who do not, you should explain you would like to exclude any animal products including meat(carne), fish (peiche), chicken (frengo) (some people might not understand this is also meat) and no dairy (Lachecinios) or honey (mel).

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English Portuguese Pronunciation
Vegan Vegano/ Vegana Vegano (M)/Vegana (F)
Vegan Food Comida vegana Comida vegana
I am Vegan Eu sou vegano Eu sou vegano
Vegetarian Vegetariano/ Vegetariana Vegetariano (M)/ Vegetariana (F)
Plant Based Food Alimentos à base de plantas Alimento a base de plantas
No Animal Products Sem produto animal Sem produto animal
Meat Carne Carne
Chicken Frango Frango
Fish Peixe Peiche
Eggs Ovos Ovos
Milk Leite Leiche
Cheese Queijo Queijo
Dairy Laticínios Lachecinios
Butter Manteiga Manteiga
Honey Mel Mel
Leather Couro Couro
Feathers Penas Penas
Wool Lua
Silk Seda Seda
Yes Sim Sin
No Não Nao

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